
Student well-being plays a crucial role in academic success and overall development at St Joseph's Oberon. When students feel physically and emotionally well, they are better able to focus, concentrate, and engage in learning activities, leading to improved academic performance.

Well-being contributes to positive social interactions. Students who feel emotionally and mentally well are more likely to form healthy relationships with their peers, teachers, and other members of the school community. This positively impacts their social skills and ability to collaborate with others.

Prioritising well-being contributes to a positive school climate. A school environment that values the well-being of its students is more likely to be supportive, inclusive, and conducive to learning. This positive atmosphere benefits everyone in the school community.

At St Joseph’s we have a designated teacher who leads the wellbeing program for our staff and students. Specific activities are organised throughout the year to focus on wellbeing as well as ensuring that our wellbeing needs are being met on a daily basis. Our school also has a school counsellor who is available on-site for one day per week to work with small groups and individuals on specific well-being needs. 

In conclusion, student well-being is a critical factor in creating a positive and effective learning environment. It not only benefits students during their time in school but also lays the foundation for their well-being and success in the broader context of life.